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Reproducing a Wildlife Corridor Analysis

less than 1 minute read

For my culminating project in this class, I worked with Andy Atallah to reproduce a multi-criteria movement cost surface of Makayuni Corridor, a wildlife cor...

Geographic Threats to Validity

1 minute read

For my independent project to culminate this class, I will be working with Andy Atallah to replicate part of a wildlife corridor analysis. The original study...

Reproducing and Reanalyzing SoVI Validity

1 minute read

Our third reproduction was based on a SoVI validity study published by Spielman et al in 2020. SoVI, the Social Vulnerability Index, was first developed by C...

Multi-Criteria Model Validity

2 minute read

The original Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) was developed in 2003 by Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley to evaluate county-level vulnerability to environmental h...